Friday, May 3, 2013

Good morning, Great afternoon, Horrible evening, Mind blowing night

After we stomached our protein shakes our morning got off to a good start. Scott had school work do to and I played out side with Liv for a while and got to know our neighbor better.

Around 11:30am I started working on lunch. I made a yummy salad, but the name is escaping me right now. (I want to quickly get a blog written before I head to bed, I'll add photos tomorrow once I can get on a computer, I'm having a few technical difficulties with blogger on my iPad right now).  The salad was enjoyed by all of us and we felt comfortably full when we were done. As I hoped, we have left overs for tomorrow's lunch.

The afternoon seemed to drag on a little, Scott was in his office and Livvi had a short nap so she was ready to start playing again and wanted company outside. By the afternoon it had warmed up ALOT so it was really nice being outside! Megan was taking a good nap during this time. By mid afternoon both Scott and I were getting hungry, so we had a little snack of detox friendly popcorn. Soon after Scott had to leave to go to his Nana's house then to the church to set up for a gala.

I was beginning to work on dinner. Cutting up the veggies, making a salsa, marinating the chicken. It looked and smelled like it was going to be a great meal! I was excited!

5pm rolled around and I figured I should start cooking the meal, I was also beginning to feel extremely hungry, so I didn't want to wait any longer. I got the chicken out of the marinade and since Scott wasn't home to help me grill the chicken (I don't know how to use a grill :( ) I figured I could just use the microwave. We were give this AWESOME deep dish by Pampered Chef. I'm not sure if that's the correct name but you can put raw chicken in it and microwave it for 15 mins and the chicken is peeeeeerfect!! Tender, juicy and delicious! I knew it would not compare to grilling the chicken, but I didn't have any other options at this point. Now came time to sauté the broccoli and the spinach (separately). So as you do I went to turn the hot plate on. Nothing. No lights turned on, nothing got hot. Nothing. I started trying different burners but still nothing. The clock on the stove was on and other buttons seemed to be working but not the burners. And since the whole thing is electronic I was out of luck. I couldn't complete the rest of the meal the way I was instructed too. I started to F.R.E.A.K out. I was running out of time (I had to be at this gala within the hour) I was S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G and my oldest was complaining she was hungry and my youngest was crying on her play mat wanting to be held. I was on the verge of tears myself, my plans that I had worked on were quickly falling apart. Scott was expecting me to bring this food to him at the gala so he could eat before the festivities began. My blood pressure was rising, my heart was racing and I literally felt the urge to hit the oven with my frying pan (don't worry Mom, I didn't ;) ) Exasperated I took the cooked chicken out of the microwave, put in on a plate, chopped some up for Olivia and we shared raw broccoli. I did put the salsa over the top of the chicken which made it more bearable. The marinade had Cilantro in it, but since it was done in the microwave it was soggy and not so good. I got through most of my chicken, still fuming, while Olivia sat next to me complaining that she didn't like it. All the while Megan was still screaming in the background.

I now had about 10mins to get myself ready in semi formal clothes for the gala, do my hair and face, get the girls ready and get to church. Well suffice to say, I was imploding so I put my foot down in anger and chose not to go to the gala. I did take Scott food, I picked up detox friendly chipotle for him, but dropped it off and came home. I was defeated. I was exhausted. I was still hungry (and so was Olivia). There was not a bone in my body that wanted to get dressed up and have a good night. I wanted to come home, give Olivia a bowl of cereal, feed Megan, get them ready for bed, put them to bed, then have the rest of the night to myself, to wallow in my self hate for thinking I could eat healthily, do it right and enjoy it. And that's exactly what I did.

UNTIL I remembered a recommended Documentary called Hungry For Change (thanks Rachel Johnson!) on demand on Netflix. So I started it and I couldn't turn it off!!! Its just under an hour and a half I think. It's all about eating right, being healthy and by simply making new, different choices we can change our lives forever. I TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY RECOMMEND THIS FILM!!! Watch it, think about it and let it change your life. It was JUST what I needed to watch after a great day gone bad. It has reignited the passion for healthy living and now I can't wait to take on tomorrow!!

So I'm going to bed refreshed and ready for what a new day will bring!



  1. Wow! What a rough 1st day start, but I'm glad the documentary lifted your spirit! Hope yesterday and today have gone better for you!

  2. If it's any consolation, when we had that meal, I loved the salsa but didn't care for the chicken. Despite being successfully grilled, I thought it was very bland.
