Friday, May 10, 2013

Week two has begun!

We are excited to be here! Our first week was a lot easier than we thought it would be and the results in just seven days has motivated us to keep going strong!

Scott has been craving


I have been craving


Neither of which we have had, so we can be proud of our self control!

I'm tired tonight. My girls have worn me out. Megan hasn't been herself for a few days now, always wanting to be held and crying a lot when she was normally placid. Olivia must be going through a growth spurt because she's always saying "mommy, I'm hungry" in the most whining voice she possesses. Scott enjoyed a well earned day out with the guys playing golf. Classes are done, only finals remain of which he has two. This time next week he'll be on summer break....for 3 days till he starts his summer class. Needless to say by the time he got home this evening, I was done. Dinner was almost ready by the time he arrived. I just needed him to grill the chicken. Tonight we had a Quinoa salad. It had chopped up apples and tomatoes mixed in the Quinoa with an Extra Virgin Olive Oil dressing, then to add a little protein in there we added some cut up chicken on top. No greens in this meal. I was lazy. It was REALLY yummy. A great summer meal:

To back up to earlier today. I met Kristina at the Y this morning. She led me in a crazy workout session that she learned from her insane 90 day program. It felt good though to push my body to a painful limit. Have you ever heard of a burpee?

Well they hurt when you do them multiple times among a plethora of other activities, this I have learned. I shall be feeling it tomorrow!

After the gym to went to lunch at Qdoba. One of my detox friendly restaurants. Since I only had an omelet for dinner last night, I didn't have any left overs, and I didn't want to make a whole new meal till the evening, so eating out sounded easy and yummy! And it was!

Brown rice. Black beans. Tomato salsa. Guac. Lettuce. Chicken.

Our little lunch buddies. Who wouldn't. sit. still. They try us! (Megan was fast asleep in her car seat next to me)

And the lovely Kristina! She makes my days better! So thankful to have a workout buddy!

And that's about it for today......OH I almost forgot!!! After the girls went to bed, Scott made us a delicious juice!

Pineapple, mango, strawberry and banana....yuuuummmmmm! A sweet ending to a tiring day!

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